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文章主題:Astrology Prediction 2004

   The Year of the Monkey will be a year of money for Hong Kong if two Chinese fortune-tellers' prophecies come true, and they may just do that, going by the track records of these fung shui masters. For one, Au Chung-tak foretold at the beginning of last year that Hong Kong would be hit by a major health problem in 2003.

   Au Chung-tak started reading fortunes about 20 years age. He has gained celebrity status with his accurate predictions on television for Hong Kong celebrities. Using has gained fame as a modern fung shui master with an online consultation service.

   Master Au Chung-tak: Hong Kong will fare much better in 2004 than 2003. The tourism industry will perform well. The US dollar will be stronger and things will be looking up.

   Master Au Chung-tak: China has had a good run for a while and will stay on the blessed path until 2010. We'll see the leadership getting younger and more energetic. There is a chance that its space programme will match, if not surpass, that of the US.

   Master Au Chung-tak: Born in a Year of the Ox dominated by gold and water elements, Mr Tung will see great fortune in the second half of the year, so much so that his good luck will bring cheers to Hong Kong. Chief Secretary for Administration Donald Tsang Yam-kuen is also of gold and water elements, lending his good fortune to the rest of Hong Kong.

   Master Au Chung-tak: Those with round faces will see great fortune all year round. The first half also favours those with long faces while the second half will favour angular features. People with sharp heads and pointy chins beware.

   Master Au Chung-tak: Beware of health scare similar to Sars but on a much smatter scale in the ninth and tenth month of the lunar calendar.

   Master Au Chung-tak: The stock market will be on the rise in the first part of the year until the fifth and sixth months of the lunar calendar and will rise again n the seventh and eighth months of the year. The Hang Seng will hit a high of 14500 points and a low of 12,000 points during the year.

   Master Au Chung-tak: As we are moving from the seventh earth cycle to the eighth earth cycle, we can expect the property market to pick up from this year and peak in 2008. The Year of the Monkey will be a good year to start buying properties again.

   Master Au Chung-tak: The Year of the Monkey is also a year of galloping horses, according to Chinese astrology, which means it is a year in which some will be more prone to accidents. Those whose names have gold or wood elements or take in Tiger, Snake, Monkey and Pig birth signs should be more careful with life and limb. Wearing blue, grey and black will help. Avoid green clothing.

   Master Au Chung-tak: George W. Bush has a very strong and favorable chart after the seventh month of the lunar year. As the election takes place in November, he will be re-elected. The chart points to a major physical or health problem for him in 2006.

   Master Au Chung-tak: There won't be any attacks on the scale of September 11, 2001. But beware of more terrorist bombings in the seventh, eighth, and tenth months of the lunar calendar.

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