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文章主題:Seriously sober and well... a little bit dull

   Donald Tsang Yam-kuen is a responsible person, ambitious and focused, according to an analysis of the chief executive's handwriting on the "I'll get the job done" election slogan.

The only problem is he can also be a bit, well ... dull.

   Fung shui master Sammy Au Chung-tak found that each of the characters was written with strength, meaning Mr Tsang had a stable and sober personality.

   "If you look at the seven characters, you can see each one gets slightly smaller," he said. "This shows he is someone who doesn't want to say too much to others and is able to keep secrets."

   The strokes of the first, fourth, fifth characters and the final one were all upwards, Mr Au Chung-tak said.

   "This means he is someone who can take heavy burdens, and also shows he is quite confident in the upcoming chief executive election."

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