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文章主題:Jobless find good fortune in fung shui

   Hong Kong's biggest bank gave Alie Pang a choice: Take a buyout to quit or face deep cuts in his benefits.

   The 14-year employee decided to leave HSBC Holdings to pursue a new livelihood -- the ancient practice of Chinese fortune telling, guided by the placement art of feng shui, astrology and other factors such as the exact time of a client's birth.

   Hong Kong's joblessness has stirred a crisis of confidence in the once-booming economy that has many people looking around for new careers.

   Longtime fung shui masters fret that the rush into fortune telling as a business will degrade the ancient art.

   Now 46, he is still studying under his fung shui master, Au Chung-tak, and has a job helping Au establish a fortune-telling training centre. Pang hopes someday to teach full time, passing on knowledge to others suffering a career crisis.

   Apart from telling fortunes and offering Jung shui advice, they publish books and cartoons, predict political developments and stock market fluctuations, or teach students in universities. They comment on celebrity relationships.

   Some appear on TV or act in movies.

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7. 區仲德說劉心悠風水屋得名又得貴子
8. 區仲德指陳山聰搬風水屋旺事業名利
9. 區仲德說梁思浩陰氣旺宅大發陰財
10. 區仲德談古天樂十二巨龍陣招財抗疫
11. 陳山聰視帝勝券在握 區仲德說新屋旺
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14. 黃智雯有望奪獎 區仲德指新居招財喜
15. 屯馬綫東西貫通 九運步向繁榮路
16. 楊明風水屋避劫 區仲德談風水格局
17. 區仲德教你新居如何越住越旺
18. 區仲德談搬屋日有何禁忌
19. 區仲德教你新年家居佈置增添財運
20. 區仲德談郭富城金龍護佑寵妻錫女
21. 區仲德預測「年尾樓價向下調整」
22. 區仲德博士教你 開運年花風水陣
23. 區仲德談蔡卓妍未來愛巢風水格局
24. 周星馳官司纏身 區仲德談風水玄機
25. 區仲德博士預測:九運到香港翻生
26. 佘詩曼求脫單 區仲德談姻緣陣佈局
27. 凶星擾內憂外患 中國會浴火重生
28. 流年桃花在東北 插黃白花結良緣
29. 中國內憂外患 崛起最後一關
30. 古天樂秘擺8公雞陣抗疫
31. 移民發展睇生肖 遷美國慎防盜賊
32. 拜山要夠誠心 10大守則宜謹記
33. 揀啱時辰大掃除 家宅平安添福氣
34. 祥嫂大宅電纜「催命煞」犯煞當災
35. 古天樂風水龍馬桃緣陣區仲德談
36. 中港車衝入和合石墳場掃冧墓碑
37. 入住儀式「拜四角」或「旺五土」
38. 避「瘟神」別掉以輕心
39. 陳凱琳佗B搬屋易犯煞
40. 大橋貫通港珠澳 東涌九運大科發
41. 馬德鐘畀老婆斬爛桃花
42. 澳門濁水西流偏財大旺
43. 路氹城大旺財水 摩珀斯一網成擒
44. 黎耀祥擺四獅風水陣催財
45. 古天樂擺三龍奇陣 好運大爆發
46. 評新居屋風水 啟朗苑煞氣大
47. 陳煒入住風水屋 搏攞「視后」
48. 流年東南財位當旺
49. 區仲德公司靚景聚財
50. 慳家管財郭藹明撒嬌治青雲
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