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文章主題:Make your home snake-friendly

   THE lore of feng shui is entwined with the study of Chinese astrology.

   This is the first of three articles in which I will talk about each sign and its feng shui this year.

   In the Year of the Snake, every other sign of the horoscope is considered the subordinate of the snake. Feng shui decides which of the five feng shut elements is attributed to each sign of the horoscope. The snake is a fire element.

Animal SignsCorresponding Signs to Year of Birth Pig
Pig1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007
Rat1900, 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996
Ox1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997
Tiger1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998

   THE sign of the pig is a water element. Because water and fire cannot co-exist, it is unlikely to be a good year for pigs. Your investments will not perform well and you can expect to face obstacles in your love life.

   Your best hope is to try to balance the effects of the water and fire elements by introducing as much of the wood element as possible. Green is a wood colour and so you should always wear green. At home, locate the area facing east and try to put as many green elements there as possible.

   For example, use green linen if your bed is in the eastern corner of your flat. Or you could place a green cupboard or even green candles there. The east is the direction governing your prosperity and these steps can help improve your investments.

   The west-facing, corner governs relationships, where men should grow four flowers and women, three. This is because feng shui associates the number four with the female gender and the number three with men. Keeping the correct number of flowers associated with the opposite sex helps find the right partner, or enhance a relationship.

   THE rat is also a water sign but fortunately it is a friend of the tiger, who can mediate between the rat and the snake.

   In order to keep your home in harmony, put up some decorations which include a cat motif, or even keep a cat as a pet, to symbolize the tiger, your friend.

   Also, the cat's domesticated nature is suitable for family life. However, using the image of a tiger in decorating your flat can create too strong an effect, leading to arguments with friends and family. So be moderate.

   If you are single, you can expect to start a relationship this year. A person born a monkey or a dragon is likely to be right for you. To increase your chances, use the flower method described for the pig.  

  If you prefer a monkey partner, put the flowers in the west-facing corner. If you prefer a dragon partner, put the flowers in part of the flat facing southeast.

   THE ox is an earth element which is also not very compatible with the fiery snake. According to the Chinese horoscope, the ox fears the snake. Balance between the two can be maintained by the introduction of the cock as a mediator, Try to include some new decoration in your house incorporating the image of a cock.

   Things should go well for you this year but you must avoid calamity in July and October. Locate the northeast-facing part of your home which governs health, and keep some feng shui wine here because it can absorb the evil spirits which cause sickness.

   THE tiger is a wood sign which does not clash with the fiery snake. This should be a good year for your career. To boost your chances of advancement, put a fish tank, fan or air-conditioning unit in the southeasterly area of your flat.

   But according to the Chinese horoscope, while the tiger and snake get along, you should be a bit careful because they are not supposed to 111cc each other. In order to smooth this relationship, you should introduce the image of a dragon between the tiger and snake. Include some elements of the dragon in your decor and place them in the southeasterly area of your home, the dragon location.

   As told to Alice Fung by feng shui master Au Chung-tak (9024 2275)

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